Argument & Counter-Argument


The COVID pandemic  has brought additional challenges such as financial stress and lack of connectivity to faculty and students which has led to loss of sense of belonging to the institution. 


Many argue that the university cannot do anything about this issue due to the social isolation. Many students don’t feel comfortable to engage in class because they feel like they do not belong. Faculty and the institution should find ways to engage students in conversation so they can feel free to engage.The article "Students Struggling but Not Seeking Campus Mental Health Supports" discusses that students are not reaching out to colleges which is why they cannot help them. The article "Seven Practices for Building Community and Student Belonging Virtually" helps to build an debate that can occur. The article explains how colleges and universities is a big part of why do not belonging. The reason they are not reaching out is because they have no sense of belonging to the institution. There are various ways they can do this. For example, creating conversations, mentoring programs, and supplying basic needs.

Inside Higher Ed. “Students Struggling but Not Seeking Campus Mental Health Support.” Inside Higher Ed, 14 Apr. 2021,

Beauchamp, Justin, et al. "Seven Practices for Building Community and Student Belonging Virtually." Ithaka S+R. Ithaka S+R. 27 August 2020. Web. 19 April 2021.


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