Abstract & Works Cited


The most prevalent and universal issue that most people are facing is the COVID pandemic. Many people are having to face supplemental challenges that would not have been so affecting before. The pandemic has changed the lives of many people, including the lives of college students and faculty. The issue for most students and faculty is the transition from in-person learning to remote learning. This paper will explore the issue of how the shift has aggravated the mental health of college students. Moreover, this paper will help better understand how the transition to remote learning impacted certain sectors of the student population. Furthermore, social isolation due to the pandemic has forced first generation college students in particular to face the issue of “belonging” at college. This paper will discuss how “belonging” creates an environment of perceived isolation for this sector. The privatization of public higher education further intensifies this issue because it is challenging for low-income students to prioritize their education during this time where they have additional responsibilities. To better illustrate the challenges, this paper inspects the underlying causes and analyzes first-generation students' backgrounds to understand how their futures are impacted. The paper discovers and explores the main reason for their challenges which is parental support and institutional support. This research paper explores the issue of challenges that first generation college students have faced during the pandemic.

Works Cited 

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